European mobility Prague 2018 ENG

17 pupils from the study programs Information and Telecommunication Technologies, Logistics and
Shipping in Transport, Marketing in Tourism participated in this learning mobility in November 2018.
Pupils didtheir practice in IT companies, Prague Transport Company, travel agencies, project agency.
During the internships they have acquired new knowledge and skills that are difficult to obtain in
school workplaces such as 3D technology, optical cabling, fire and security technology, city traffic
management (metro, trams, trolleybuses), guided tours with guides, trainee agency services for
organizing learnong mobility mobility, communication with foreigners in the travel agency. All pupils
have completed their planned learning outcomes and have obtained company certificates as well as
the Europass Mobility. The participants appreciated the benefits of the internship: they gained a lot
of experience in orientation in a foreign environment, communicating in foreign languages,
consulting in everyday situations, acquiring skills for administrative and technical work, organizing
leisure time, managing finances, communicating with people at a professional level, planning and
organizing tasks in teams.

The last 3rd turnus is scheduled for March 2019, will be held again in Prague and will be attended by
19 students from study pograms Mechanics Automotive Production Specialist, Marketing in Tourism
and Information and Telecommunication Technologies.