Good school for the 21st century (GOS 21) ENG

The project responds to the need to change the content and forms of learning in line with the lifestyle of young people in the 21st century. It supports school exchange partnerships as a unique source of personal experience and counts with 6 transnational meetings in 6 partner schools during 2 years. Project activities extend the traditional content of education to current topics such as global view of the world, social, personal and communication competences, environmental, civic, digital, media, technical literacy, healthy lifestyle, and developing creative problem solving, teamwork and cooperation, multiculturalism.

Tasks in the project are scheduled for pupils, teachers and school managers as well and will be presented during project meetings. Pupils will process topics e.g. Welcome to our town and school, European Year of Cultural Heritage in our country, Hello! A Saturday full of ideas, We stand on the green!, I am a volunteer. And you?, ICT – our friend or enemy?, Abusements of young people. The presentations will be followed by interactive workshops with interesting tasks. Teachers and school managers will prepare presentations on the topics of School Management, Curriculum, Student´s Development, Teacher´s Development, School Climate, Collaboration with the Community to create a modern school for all in the 21st century. The results of the project will be PC presentations, videos, photographic material, student concepts, itinerary from partner countries, questionnaires, works of folk art, schema / work list, idea map, news, products, 3D products – posters, methodological sheets, samples of documentation useable in the teaching process, evaluation sheets, description of the technical installation procedure, recipes for healthy meals and drinks, conference proceedings.

From the project we expect the increase in capacity for modernization and internationalization of the school, enlargement of network of partners abroad, curriculum innovation and the growth of quality of teaching, new experience with the implementation of European projects, improvement of the image and the position of the school in a competitive environment, increasing the interest of elementary school pupils in applying for our school.